The earth consists of land and water. About 70% of the earth is covered by water and the remaining are land. On this land each parts are divided into different continents. There are 7 continent on earth and each one of them has numbers of country in the them. So today we are going to be looking at the seven continents and their population of people.
1. Asia - Asia is the most populated continent consisting of 4,298,723,000 people.
2. Africa is the second most populated country consisting of 1,110,635,000 people.
3. Europe is the third most populated continent consisting of 742,452,000 people.
4. North America is the fourth most populated continent with 565,265,000 people.
5. South America is the fifth most populated continent with 406,740,000 people.
6. Australia/Oceania is the sixth most populated continent with 38,304,000 people.
7. Antarctica is the seventh and the smallest most populated continent with 4,490 people.
I hope you now know the seven continents and their population and you also know for your continent.
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