History Of Counter Strike Global Offensive Game
Counter strike global offensive is a multiplayer first person shooter game and one of the best online game. It was developed by Valve and Hidden Path Entertainment. Counter Strike Global Offensive was released for Windows, macOs, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 in August 2012, and for Linux in 2014. Valve regularly updates the game, both with smaller balancing patches and larger content additions. It is the fourth game in the counter strike series, developed for over two years.
The game involve two teams, Terrorist and Counter Terrorist against each other in different objective based game modes. The most common game modes are the ones that involves the Terrorist planting bombs while Counter Terrorist attempt to stop them, or Counter Terrorists attempt to rescue the hostages the Terrorists have captured. There are nine official game mode, all of them which have distinct characteristics specific to that mode. The game also has matchmaking support that enables players to play on dedicated Valve servers. Also in addition to a community hosted servers with game modes and custom map.
Global Offensive received good reviews from critics on release of the game, who commend the game for its gameplay and loyalty to the Counter Strike series. Although it was criticised for some early features and the difference between the console and PC versions.
In December 2018, Valve transitioned the game to a free to play to play model, focusing on its revenue from cosmetics items.
The game has an active esports scene, continuing the history of the international competitive play from previous game in the series. Teams compete in tournaments and professional league, and Global Offensive is now one of the global largest esports.
Since the release of the game it has drawn in an estimated 11 million players per month.
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